84% Success Dip Buying Credit Spreads | Credit Spreads Course

Are you ready to explore the Winning Whale Strategy? In this article, we’ll delve into the Winning Whale Strategy, a powerful mean-reverting approach that can help you profit from market crashes and recoveries. Developed over years of experience, this strategy offers a step-by-step guide to executing credit spreads course trades with an impressive 84% success rate.

Accessing the Winning Whale Strategy

Before we dive into the strategy details, make sure to access the comprehensive guide and handbook provided for free. These resources will help you understand the Winning Whale Strategy and its implementation nuances.

Trend Following vs. Mean Reverting Strategies

To better comprehend the Winning Whale Strategy, it’s crucial to differentiate between trend following and mean reverting strategies. Unlike trend following strategies that align with market trends, mean reverting strategies, such as the Winning Whale Strategy, involve betting against the trend during periods of extreme market volatility.

Identifying Dip Buy Setups

The core of the Winning Whale Strategy lies in identifying dip buy setups. A dip buy occurs when the market experiences a crash, dips below a predetermined bottom level, and then begins to recover. These setups are prime opportunities for applying the strategy.

Technical Indicators for Guidance

Technical indicators play a vital role in executing the Winning Whale Strategy. Key indicators like Bollinger Bands and moving averages aid in pinpointing potential dip buy opportunities and identifying overextended price levels.

Choosing Strike Prices

Selecting the appropriate strike prices is crucial to the strategy’s success. Setting up your short strike price involves calculating the level to sell your put option and purchasing the one below it for protection. This step ensures a balanced risk-reward ratio.

Calculating Expiration Dates

Effective trade execution requires determining suitable expiration dates. Consider market conditions and the time required for the recovery to unfold when selecting the expiration date for your trade.

Executing Trades with Precision

When executing trades, accuracy is paramount. Input the trade details correctly into your brokerage platform. Ensure you collect the minimum credit specified for the trade and comprehend the potential return.

Monitoring Trade Performance

Vigilantly tracking trade performance is essential. By observing historical performance and analyzing the strategy’s win rate, you can assess its effectiveness over time.

Adapting the Strategy to Stocks


Mastering the Winning Whale Strategy can be a game-changer in your credit spreads trading journey. With an impressive 84% success rate and the potential for an 8% annualized return, this strategy offers a reliable approach to profiting during market downturns and recoveries.

Remember: Successful trading requires continuous learning, risk management, and adapting strategies to ever-changing market conditions. Always conduct thorough research and consider seeking advice from financial experts before making trading decisions. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’re on your way to becoming a skilled credit spreads trader.

Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer

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