Broke? This $100 Options Strategy Can Fix That

Are you struggling financially, but still eager to dip your toes into the world of options strategies and potentially make consistent profits from the stock market? If so, you’re not alone. Many people face financial constraints when starting their trading journey, and it can be especially challenging for those with limited capital. However, there’s good news: you can use a smart and strategic approach to trading even with just $100.

In this article, we’ll explore an effective options trading strategy that not only requires minimal investment but can also help you grow your account consistently. We’ll delve into the details of this $100 options strategy, including how it works, risk management rules, and why it’s a viable choice for traders looking to overcome financial challenges.

The $100 Options Strategy

The heart of this strategy lies in utilizing credit spreads, a versatile and lower-risk options trading strategy. Credit spreads involve making a bet on whether a stock will remain above or below a specific price level. In our case, we’ll focus on selling put credit spreads.

Understanding Credit Spreads

Imagine you have a limited budget, say $100, and you want to trade a stock. In traditional trading, this might seem impossible. However, with credit spreads, it becomes feasible. Here’s a simplified explanation:

  1. Identify a Level: Start by determining a price level at which you believe the stock will stay above. To do this, take the current stock price and multiply it by 0.97 (or 97%). This calculation provides a safety buffer, ensuring you choose a level where the stock is likely to remain. For instance, if the stock is trading at $100, your selected level would be $97.
  2. Setting Up the Spread: Now, you create a credit spread by selling a put option at your chosen level (e.g., $97) and simultaneously buying a put option just below it (e.g., $96). This combination forms a credit spread.
  3. Credit Collected: Typically, you’ll collect a credit when setting up the spread. Let’s say you receive $0.10 (10 cents) as your credit for the trade.
  4. Profit and Loss Scenario: If the stock stays above your selected level, you keep the credit collected, which becomes your profit. If the stock falls below your chosen level, you might incur a loss, but this strategy limits your maximum loss compared to other trading approaches.

Risk Management Rules

While the $100 options strategy offers potential rewards, it’s crucial to implement risk management rules to protect your capital. One key rule is implementing a stop-loss strategy.

In this strategy, your stop-loss is triggered when the stock price breaks below the level you initially selected (e.g., $97). When this happens, you exit the trade to limit your potential losses. Set your stop-loss at approximately 50% of the credit you received when entering the trade, in this case, around $0.05 (5 cents).

Implementing a stop-loss drastically reduces the potential loss per trade. Instead of risking the full $100 if you hold until expiration and the stock moves against you, your loss is limited to the stop-loss level.

Growing Your Account with The $100 Options Strategy

Aspiring traders often wonder how they can grow their account when starting with a limited amount of capital. The $100 options strategy offers a structured approach:

Risk Management & Position Sizing

  • Ten Trading Rule: Determine your position size based on your account value. If you have $2,000, allocate 10% of your capital for options trading ($200). With each spread requiring $100 in collateral, you can enter two spreads, as per the 10% rule. As your account grows, you can increase your position size accordingly.

Long-Term Expectancy

  • Implementing the strategy correctly, with an approximate 85% win rate, leads to a positive long-term expectancy. Over a series of trades, you’ll consistently make profits while managing your losses efficiently.


Trading with limited capital doesn’t mean you can’t participate in the exciting world of options trading. The $100 options strategy, centered around credit spreads and backed by robust risk management rules, offers a viable solution for individuals looking to grow their account and generate consistent income from the market. By adhering to the principles outlined in this strategy, you can build a foundation for your financial success and steadily increase your trading capital over time. Remember, financial growth in trading is achievable with the right approach, even if you’re starting with just $100.

If you want to trade credit spreads profitably with a 86%+ win rate and consistently generate monthly income, then join the 10% Credit Spreads program!

Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer

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