10% Credit Spreads Blog

  • An Easier And More Profitable Alternative To Options AI

    If you are interested in Options AI for credit spreads trading, then I want to walk you through the platform and offer an alternative that can generate a higher return with less risk. Options AI Overview OptionsAI is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to help investors trade options. OptionsAI’s algorithm analyzes historical data and…

    Read more: An Easier And More Profitable Alternative To Options AI
  • How To Place Put Credit Spread Trades On TastyTrade

    If you are struggling to place a credit spread trade on Tastytrade, then this is the guide for you! This guide will walk you through it step by step for anyone who isn’t tech savvy or needs more help. Your Step By Step Guide For TastyTrade Tastytrade (previously called tastyworks) is an online brokerage account geared…

    Read more: How To Place Put Credit Spread Trades On TastyTrade
  • $1 vs $2 Wide Vertical Credit Spreads

    Vertical credit spreads are popular options trading strategies that generate income while limiting losses. Comparing $1 and $2 wide vertical credit spreads can help determine which approach suits your trading goals. This topic came up in my Credit Spreads Inner Circle Program, so I wanted to write an article on it. $1 Wide Vertical Credit…

    Read more: $1 vs $2 Wide Vertical Credit Spreads
  • Comparing Options Commissions And Fees Across All Brokers

    Options trading can be a great way to generate income or hedge against risk. However, it’s important to choose a broker that offers low options commissions and fees. Here is a comparison of options commissions and fees from some of the most popular US brokers, including Robinhood, Webull, TD Ameritrade, and TastyTrades: Options Commissions Comparison…

    Read more: Comparing Options Commissions And Fees Across All Brokers

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