10% Credit Spreads Blog

  • Dealing With Ex-Dividend Risk When Trading Call Credit Spreads

    Options trading offers numerous strategies for investors to generate income and manage risk. One popular strategy is trading call credit spreads. However, traders must be aware of potential risks associated with ex-dividend dates. This is a topic I recently taught in my Inner Circle program. I realized a lot of people were unaware of this…

    Read more: Dealing With Ex-Dividend Risk When Trading Call Credit Spreads
  • The Pros and Cons of Swing Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

    Swing trading vertical credit spreads is a popular strategy among options traders, offering the potential for consistent profits with controlled risk. This strategy involves simultaneously buying and selling options contracts to create a spread. The goal is to profit from the price movement of the underlying asset. Swing trading credit spreads can be a great…

    Read more: The Pros and Cons of Swing Trading Vertical Credit Spreads
  • Turn Losing Trades Into Winners When Trading Credit Spreads

    Trading credit spreads can be a lucrative strategy in the world of options trading. However, even with careful analysis and planning, losses can occur. The key to long-term success lies in implementing effective strategies to turn around losing trades. In this article, we will explore three powerful techniques: rolling the trade, closing the trade early,…

    Read more: Turn Losing Trades Into Winners When Trading Credit Spreads
  • Options Trading For A Living (Full Trading Plan w/ Backtest)

    Trading credit spread options can offer individuals an opportunity to generate consistent income and potentially make a living from the financial markets. This article aims to provide a step-by-step guide, along with a full trading plan, to help you navigate the world of credit spread options and develop a systematic approach to your trading activities.…

    Read more: Options Trading For A Living (Full Trading Plan w/ Backtest)

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