10% Credit Spreads Blog

  • How To Select An Expiration Date | Vertical Credit Spreads 101

    Vertical credit spreads are a popular options trading strategy that allows traders to profit from time decay and limited risk. When implementing this strategy, one crucial decision is selecting the expiration date for the options involved. Choosing the appropriate expiration date requires careful consideration of various factors, including the trader’s objectives, market conditions, and risk…

    Read more: How To Select An Expiration Date | Vertical Credit Spreads 101
  • How To Select The Right Delta | Vertical Credit Spreads 101

    Trading options can be a profitable strategy for investors, and vertical credit spreads are a popular choice due to their defined risk and potential for consistent returns. When implementing these spreads, one crucial factor to consider is the selection of the appropriate delta. Delta measures the sensitivity of an option’s price to changes in the…

    Read more: How To Select The Right Delta | Vertical Credit Spreads 101
  • This Is Silently Killing Your Credit Spreads Profits (& How I Fixed It)

    Credit spreads trading is a popular strategy among options traders, known for its potential to generate consistent profits. However, while traders focus on analyzing market conditions, managing risk, and maximizing returns, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the impact of commissions on trading profits. Commissions can eat into your gains and potentially jeopardize your credit…

    Read more: This Is Silently Killing Your Credit Spreads Profits (& How I Fixed It)
  • My Three Rules When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

    Trading vertical credit spreads can be a profitable strategy in the world of options trading. These strategies allow traders to capitalize on the decay of time value and take advantage of price movements within a defined range. However, like any trading technique, there are risks involved. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential…

    Read more: My Three Rules When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

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