10% Credit Spreads Blog

  • Stocks That Pay The Most Premium When Trading Credit Spreads

    Trading vertical credit spreads is a popular options trading strategy used by traders to generate income by selling options contracts. This strategy involves selling a lower strike price option contract and buying a higher strike price option contract of the same underlying asset. The difference in premium received from selling the lower strike price option…

    Read more: Stocks That Pay The Most Premium When Trading Credit Spreads
  • My Personal Trading Handbook (For Vertical Credit Spreads)

    Here’s everything you need to know about trading credit spreads for a living and following a strategy that is statistically proven to work. This is the exact strategy that I use in my six figure portfolio. Not only that, but I have also taught it to hundreds of others. Now that I have your attention,…

    Read more: My Personal Trading Handbook (For Vertical Credit Spreads)
  • How I Take The Fear Out Of Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

    Trading vertical credit spreads can be an intimidating prospect for novice traders, but with a clear understanding of the strategy and some key tips, it is possible to take the fear out of the process. Vertical credit spreads involve selling an option with a lower strike price and simultaneously buying an option with a higher…

    Read more: How I Take The Fear Out Of Trading Vertical Credit Spreads
  • Proper Position Sizing When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

    Position sizing is a crucial aspect of successful trading, especially when it comes to vertical credit spreads. Vertical credit spreads are an options trading strategy that involves simultaneously buying and selling two options with different strike prices, but the same expiration date. The goal of this strategy is to earn a credit by selling the…

    Read more: Proper Position Sizing When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

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