10% Credit Spreads Blog

  • My Plan To Retire In 5 Years Using Vertical Credit Spreads

    I am about to layout my exact plan to quickly retire and achieve financial freedom using credit spreads. I am writing this as a historical record and something I can look back on later for myself. I also hope this helps other traders like yourself! Where I Currently Am My large account was just moved…

    Read more: My Plan To Retire In 5 Years Using Vertical Credit Spreads
  • How I Trade SPY Credit Spreads With A Small Account

    Let’s be real, most people trading options are trying to grow a small account. That’s the reason that I am doing this small account challenge. However, even if you are someone with a larger account, these tips will help you out as well. But, trading SPY credit spreads is one of the greatest ways to…

    Read more: How I Trade SPY Credit Spreads With A Small Account
  • Beware Of Credit Spreads On Robinhood (Must Know Before Trading)

    Robinhood is one of the best platforms for beginners because of how easy the interface and platform is to use! It was one of my first brokers when I got started in the stock market world. Now, I am using Robinhood to show how anyone can grow a small account using credit spreads. However, there…

    Read more: Beware Of Credit Spreads On Robinhood (Must Know Before Trading)
  • Why I Don’t Use Stop Losses When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

    You probably hear all the time how you need to manage risk and set stop losses. I used to be one of those people and still am when I trade stocks. However, if you are trading vertical credit spreads, you should not be setting stop losses. Let me explain… Credit spreads are an options strategy…

    Read more: Why I Don’t Use Stop Losses When Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

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