How I Take The Fear Out Of Trading Vertical Credit Spreads

Trading vertical credit spreads can be an intimidating prospect for novice traders, but with a clear understanding of the strategy and some key tips, it is possible to take the fear out of the process.

Vertical credit spreads involve selling an option with a lower strike price and simultaneously buying an option with a higher strike price, resulting in a net credit to the trader’s account. This strategy is commonly used by traders who are looking to generate income from the options market while also managing their risk.

The 5 Ways To Take The Fear Out Of Trading

The fear of losing money is a common concern for many traders, but by following these steps, you can mitigate your risk and increase your chances of success:

Start with a Solid Foundation

Choose the Right Options

Set Realistic Expectations

It is important to set realistic expectations for your credit spread trades. Understand that you will not win every trade and that losses are a normal part of trading. However, by managing your risk and keeping your losses small, you can still be profitable over the long term.

Manage Your Risk

One of the most important aspects of trading credit spreads is managing your risk. Consider using stop-loss orders to limit your losses and always have an exit strategy in place before entering a trade. Additionally, avoid over-leveraging your trades and only risk a small portion of your account on each trade.

Don’t Monitor Your Trades

Once you have entered a credit spread trade, it is important to not monitor it closely. This may be contrary to popular opinion, but if you are trading a reliable set it and forget it strategy, then it is best to not monitor your trades. This will keep your emotions calm and the time dedicated to watching the market way down.

In conclusion, trading vertical credit spreads can be a profitable strategy for traders who are looking to generate income from the options market while also managing their risk. By following these steps, you can take the fear out of the process and increase your chances of success. Remember to start with a solid foundation, choose the right options, set realistic expectations, manage your risk, and monitor your trades closely. With practice and discipline, you can become a successful credit spread trader.

Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer

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