Trading Credit Spreads in Bull Markets | Credit Spreads Course

Are you ready to harness the power of credit spreads course trading in bullish markets? In this lesson, we’ll dive into a strategy that takes advantage of upward trends – the Turtle strategy. Derived from the legendary trend follower Richard Dennis, this approach offers insights that can potentially yield substantial profits.

Understanding the Turtle Strategy

The Turtle strategy is designed to capitalize on bullish and upward-trending markets. Named after the success of novice traders trained by Richard Dennis, this approach follows specific rules to navigate market movements and generate profits. By implementing this strategy, you can potentially join the ranks of successful traders who’ve profited from its principles.

Criteria for a Bullish Market

To identify a bullish market, a key criterion involves utilizing technical indicators. One such indicator is the Bollinger band setup. If a stock’s price remains above the upper Bollinger band line, it signifies an upward trend and, subsequently, a bullish market. This criterion serves as a foundation for initiating the Turtle strategy.

Selecting Strike Prices for Put Credit Spread

Creating a put credit spread involves choosing appropriate strike prices. A common strategy is to use 97% of the current stock price, allowing a balance between time and potential profitability. Rounding to the nearest whole number helps determine the strike prices for your spread – one to sell and one to buy for protection.

Optimal Expiration Date Calculation

Determining the expiration date is a critical aspect of credit spread trading. Adding a fixed number of days to the current date provides a potential expiration date. If this date falls on a Friday, it aligns with historically favorable expiration days. This strategic timing enhances your chances of success.

Executing the Trade

Executing credit spread trades requires proficiency with your broker’s platform. Practicing on the platform can help build confidence and avoid errors during actual trades. When placing trades, ensure you follow the strategy’s guidelines for strike prices and expiration dates meticulously.

Minimum Credit and Long-Term Profitability

Establish a minimum credit threshold to ensure long-term profitability. Collecting sufficient upfront credit safeguards your trades against losses and contributes to consistent gains over time. Understanding this concept enhances your trading strategy’s resilience, regardless of individual trade outcomes.

Backtesting and Historical Data Analysis

Before executing any credit spread strategy, consider backtesting using historical market data. Backtesting validates your chosen strategy’s performance over time, offering insights into its strengths and weaknesses. This empirical approach helps refine your strategy based on past market behavior.

Adapting Strategies to Market Conditions

Commit to Continuous Learning

Mastering credit spreads course trading requires a commitment to continuous learning. Subscribe to educational resources and courses that provide regular updates on market trends, new strategies, and trading techniques. Staying informed ensures you’re equipped with the latest tools to succeed in changing market environments.


Credit spread trading in bullish markets, especially with strategies like the Turtle Strategy, offers significant potential for profitable trades. By understanding the criteria for bullish markets, structuring trades effectively, and leveraging historical data, traders can navigate the complexities of the market with confidence. Remember that successful trading involves risk management, ongoing education, and careful execution of well-defined strategies.

Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer

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